The Olayiwola and Onyejekwe families are so thankful.
Olayiwola and Onyejekwe families pay it forward

The Olayiwola and Onyejekwe families are so thankful.
ODI family and friends from far and wide returned to campus over the weekend to enjoy ODI’s Homecoming Open House and Celebration, greeting old friends and making new ones during the festivities in Hale Hall.
October marks the 35th anniversary of the Frank W. Hale, Jr. Black Cultural Center - located at 154 W. 12th Ave. and colloquially known as "Hale Hall" among many Ohio State students.
The sports world is full of underdogs, and in collegiate athletics, there’s no greater underdog than a student manager. Even so, there’s nothing fourth-year ODI Scholar (MSP) Shelby Granger would rather be.