Designed to set up students for early success, Early Arrival Programs (EAP) feature opportunities for ODI students to meet with faculty, hear directly from older students, network with fellow students and get a feel for campus life before the fall semester begins.

The BNRC EAP provides first-year students a head start as Ohio State undergraduates. Students learn about strategies and resources for academic success while developing professional and leadership skills. Participants are introduced to faculty, staff, students and alumni eager to assist in their success. Activities include workshops, faculty presentations and student panels. Held in August and no program fee.

The FAN EAP offers an educational experience for students with lived experience in foster care, kinship care or any out-of-home placement. FAN provides academic success coaching and support services to eliminate barriers to opportunities and intentional support for students. Held in August and no program fee.

LSS EAP prepares incoming first-year students for university life by providing educational and resourceful workshops, engaging presentations and community-building activities before the start of the school year. Held in August and no program fee.

JLM Scholars EAP
The JLM Scholars Program offers a unique educational experience for students transferring from Columbus State Community College to Ohio State's Columbus Campus. Students accepted as JLM Scholars will be expected to participate in the JLM Scholars EAP and will receive resources and guidance as they transition to becoming a Buckeye. Held in August and no program fee.

The MSP EAP is designed to assist Morrill Scholars in their transition to the Ohio State community. The Early Arrival Program is an opportunity to live, study, learn and begin to develop a sense of community and richness within this cohort in discovering what it means to be change agents for diversity and inclusion. Held in August and no program fee.

Ohio State LSAMP EAP
The LSAMP EAP jumps starts students' academic career s at Ohio State. Students will participate in classes, field trips, workshops and interact with STEM faculty, staff, academic support and career development resources that are available to them. Held in August and no program fee.

The RCT EAP a unique educational experience for ten Ohio State University students who are campus changing to the Columbus campus from any of Ohio State's regional campuses. Held in August and no program fee.

The YSP EAP promotes academic success, personal, and professional development for incoming Young Scholars attending Ohio State. Held in August and no program fee.