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Submit to ¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State?

Female types onto a laptop with one hand while writing in a notebook

¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State? actively seeks contributions to its print magazine, online publication and blog from individuals who feel an affiliation to the Latino community at The Ohio State University. We are interested in any of, but not limited to, the following:

  • Academic/scholarly pieces from any discipline. Interdisciplinary pieces are especially welcome.
  • Personal experience/nonfiction pieces that express experiences of interest to the Latino community.
  • Experiences that result from research programs or internships, particularly those that are of a transnational perspective.
  • Reflective or critical pieces on the arts, such as films, television, animation, novels, poetry and so on.
  • Creative pieces such as prose fiction, poetry, graphic storytelling/comics and visual art.
  • Responses to featured events and lectures on campus, providing readers with your take of an invited speaker's talk.

Essays are generally between 800-1,400 words. To submit an article, please contact the editorial team at