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YSP Early Arrival Program

YSP Early Arrival Program

The Young Scholars Program (YSP) promotes academic success, and personal and professional development through a series of collegiate programs designed to support undergraduate student engagement, retention and graduation from The Ohio State University. Signature programs include the Early Arrival Program, Bridge Curricular Learning Community, holistic success coaching, peer mentoring, scholarship services, and post-baccalaureate preparation.

Early Arrival Program

Participation in Young Scholars collegiate services begins with a mandatory week-long pre-college summer experience. The objective of the program is to provide participants with the following:

  • Community building through peer mentoring, social events and collaborative programming
  • Interactions with faculty and staff to expand university networks of support
  • Introductions to the university's “hidden curriculum” and campus resources for student success

College Success Seminars

  • Academic Engagement and Support
  • Personal Health and Wellness
  • Identity Development
  • Financial Wellness
  • Campus Safety
  • Networking and Community Building
  • Social and Recreational Activities

Need accommodations?

If you have a disability and require accommodations to fully participate in this activity, please send an email to You will be contacted by someone from our staff to discuss your specific needs.