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Undergraduate Young Scholars Success Programs

YSP undergraduate programs are designed to assist Young Scholars in reaching their full potential and achieving their academic and career goals through personal, professional and leadership development. Young Scholars Programs aid in the seamless transition from high school to college while providing integration into the campus community and preparation for post-baccalaureate opportunities.

Undergraduate Students Success Programs begin with a summer early arrival program, followed by academic year programming, including an academic bridge program, holistic success coaching, peer mentoring, study skills enrichment, freshman seminar courses, and scholarship support services.

ODI Scholars gather for Early Arrival Program in auditorium

YSP Early Arrival Program

YSP-EAP helps scholars transition from high school to college. Scholars learn about resources and strategies for success in college while engaging in academic, personal and professional development workshops instructed by university faculty and staff.

YSP Student Success coaches sit on step in red YSP shirts

Success Coaches

Success Coaches are full-time professional staff members who provide holistic retention counseling to help scholars transition from high school to college. Success Coaches monitor student academic progress and work with scholars to ensure their personal and career goals align with their academic strengths.

ODI Scholars sitting at table with other students studying.

Bridge Curricular Learning Community

The Learning Community promotes a holistic, sustained, cooperative learning process for incoming scholars. The semester-long program collaborates with academic departments to identify critical general education courses, reserve seats in select lecture sections and enroll scholars in corresponding closed recitation sections.

Summer Bridge Experience

This three-week pre-collegiate program aids scholars with transitioning from high school to college. During the residential program, scholars engage in a series of personal, academic and wellness workshops instructed by university faculty and staff. Summer Bridge Experience workshops include the Young Scholars Seminar, Financial Aid, Study Abroad, Undergraduate Research, Recreational Sports, Wellness and Post-Baccalaureate Preparation. The program’s centerpiece is an Academic Core Curriculum including English, Math, Psychology, Economics, Statistics, Chemistry and Physics taught by Ohio State faculty and graduate students.

Academic Success Partners (ASPs)

ASPs are academically successful undergraduate students in their junior or senior year who serve as peer mentors to first- and second-year students. ASPs meet with all first year-scholars once per week during the academic year. They assist participants in making a successful transition from high school to college and in their matriculation toward upper-class status. ASPs will identify and direct participants to key resources across campus and provide assistance as they adjust to Ohio State’s competitive culture and environment.

Young Scholars Program Freshman Seminar

The autumn semester Young Scholars Program Freshman Seminar, titled Education Studies: Counselor Education (ESCE) 2273, is designed to assist Scholars with gaining a greater sense of self-identity, self-efficacy and personal responsibility. Scholars will improve their self-management skills deepen their understanding and development of interdependence. The course incorporates a series of workshops, discussions and classroom activities that focus on student identity and goal development, study and academic success strategies, and healthy relationships.

Academic Monitoring and intervention

The grades and academic progress of all Young Scholars are monitored each term the students are enrolled to ensure they meet or exceed grade requirements and make satisfactory academic progress toward their degree.

Tutoring/ Supplemental Instruction

ODI offers free tutoring in core subjects for first-year students, including Math and English as well as supplemental instruction in courses.

Second-Year Success Seminars

These seminars cover a set of cohesive and progressive topics to help students deepen their knowledge of learning strategies, motivation and goal setting, as well as career and professional development.

Young Scholars Alumni Mentoring Program

This new program focuses on the professional and career development of undergraduate junior and senior Young Scholars by connecting them with successful Ohio State and YSP alumni. Scholars are matched with a mentor, who they meet with monthly. The program is guided by curriculum that focuses on career exploration, life skills and leadership development, and the promotion of scholarly behaviors both inside and outside the classroom.