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SEED participants make their pitches

Earlier this August, ten ODI Scholars presented their Student Experiences in Entrepreneurial Development (SEED) Program individual lab research as well as gave entrepreneurial pitches based on those lab research projects.

Students worked in pairs with URG research mentors to perform laboratory research and product development while exploring the commercial potential of the mentor's research, leading to real world applications. In doing so, students gained technical research experience, developed entrepreneurial skills, and gained critical initial market information to support technology translation of URG research mentors.

Students were assigned to labs in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering; and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. The research was conducted during a 10-week paid summer internship with a research lab mentor.

On the second day, the two teams of students presented their concept pitches:

“Nanoparticles for Energy Storage”
Ama Baba, Yahya Elmi, Sebastian Martinez, Stephanie Aboagye Mensah, and Lughan Ross

“DNA Nanostructures for Early Detection of Parkinson's Disease”
Dieynabou Diallo, Roan Kovach, Dean Orloff, Christopher Santiago, and Nia Thomas

The SEED Program is a collaborative effort between The Ohio State University College of Engineering, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and the Keenan Center for Entrepreneurship. The mission is to expose students to laboratory research, technology development, and entrepreneurship opportunities.