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Submit a proposal for the NCDRL

person writes in a notebook with cup of coffee nearby

Each year, the National Conference on Diversity, Race and Learning (NCDRL) planning committee requests session proposals from our contacts with a background and extensive knowledge on the topics of diversity, race, inclusion and (un)learning. It is a chance for such individuals to share their findings and best practices with other practitioners, academics, HR professionals, those in government, etc. during this national conference that averages more than 500 participants each year. Session proposals will be considered for the Main Day (day 2) conference lineup.

Proposals are accepted each year, November 1 through the second week in January prior to the conference date. Proposals for NCDRL will not be accepted prior to November 1 or after the second week in January.

Please review the proposal guidelines below prior to submitting your proposal. All questions should be submitted via email at

Focus of proposed workshops or breakout sessions

All breakout sessions and workshops should be directly or indirectly centered around the overarching theme of the conference as well as dealing with other issues of inclusion and acceptance of disenfranchised populations. The topics are not required to be focused in the educational and academic arenas but should address current and timely concerns. Any workshop can deal with problems facing education at any level, communities, personal identity, government at any level, politics, economics, etc.

For reference, below are a few examples of successful proposals and other sessions that were presented at a previous NCDRL with the theme of “LEADING THE CHARGE: Creating Meaningful & Sustainable DEIB Change Now.”

  • Dismantling Power & Privilege: Negotiating Whiteness & Racial Micro-Aggressions in the Academy
  • Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation in Healthcare Delivery
  • Leading Through Change: The Art & Science of Implementing DEISJ Work
  • Helping Underrepresented Student/Parents Succeed on CCAMPIS
  • Servant Leadership to Aid Empowerment & Success for the Impoverished
  • Creating Anti-Racism Statements & Demanding Accountability from Ourselves & Others

Collaborative proposals

Break-out session proposals may be submitted by an individual or a team. One coordinating presenter should be selected and submit the proposal in his/her name, with the other presenter(s) listed on the proposal, along with their titles (if applicable). Group presentations must not be comprised of more than three (3) individuals. All presenters should be listed on the proposal and should have already agreed to participate/present at the time of the submission.

Please note: The Conference Planning Committee will only waive the cost of the conference registration for the maximum of three (3) presenters per topic only. No exceptions and no late additions or deletions. Also, for presenters traveling long distances, the discounted conference hotel rate will be available at presenters' expense at one of our host hotels.

Breakout session proposal requirements

An online Session Proposal Qualtrics survey form will be available to submit your proposal. Coordinating presenters should fully complete this form, providing details of the session proposal, including, but not limited to:

Session Title (maximum of 12 words)
Session Synopsis/Abstract (maximum of 100 words)
Facilitators (including names, titles and institutional/corporate/organization affiliations of all presenters)
All presenters must be registered for the conference.
Identified Learning Outcomes/Objectives
The Relationship of the Proposed Session to the Conference Theme
Session Proposals should:

  • Adhere to the maximum word limitations stated above
  • Be completed using only the attached Session Proposal Form.
  • Have the participation agreement of all facilitators/presenters listed on proposal.
  • Be submitted by the deadline to (Ms.) Jackie Lipscomb (

Selection criteria

Proposals will be evaluated on quality and clarity of content, the clarity of specified learning outcomes, and the specific relationship of the proposal to the conference theme and overall mission. Please note: In cases of very similar proposal submissions, those submitted earlier may receive preference on a first-come basis.

Proposal submissions

NCDRL proposals should be submitted through the NCDRL Submission Portal.

Notification of status of proposals

All coordinating facilitators/presenters will be notified of their proposal status (Accepted, Clarification Required, or Not Accepted at This Time) approximately one month following the proposal deadline. Final status announcement of proposals that received a “Clarification Required” notice will be made within 1 week of receipt of clarification.

Other important information

Laptops and PowerPoint Projectors: Laptops are provided by the NCDRL. Please make necessary arrangements to bring your presentations in a PC-compatible format. Projector screens, media tables and/or podiums, easels and markers are also available in each room for presenter use. Presenters must bring a CD copy or thumb drive of PowerPoint slideshows with them on the day of the conference to be downloaded onto computers.

Copies of Presentations: As a backup, please upload a copy of your presentation to the NCDRL Presenter Teams folder at least one week prior to the conference. (Once your proposal has been accepted, you will be provided access to this folder.) These presentations will NOT be made available to NCDRL attendees unless given prior approval by the presenter. Also, if your presentation requires paper copies, you will be required to provide them for the total number of seats available in your specific session, which will be provided to you in advance.

Have questions?

Alex Christmas
Program Manager, CRISP Faculty Engagement and Special Programming