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ODI Scholar Graduation Recognition Ceremony

ODI grads stand behind a table with ODI stoles on it

Upcoming Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) Graduation Recognition Dates

During the Spring semester, ODI celebrates our graduating seniors and their accomplishments. ODI Scholars and ODI-affiliated students who graduate in the autumn and summer semesters can participate in the spring recognition ceremony following their graduation. All graduating ODI Scholars and ODI-affiliated students can receive an ODI stole the month prior to their graduation if they do not participate in the ODI Graduation Recognition Ceremony.

If you are unable to attend this event and wish to wear an ODI stole at graduation, please contact your ODI subunit (MSP, YSP, LSAMP, LSS, etc.) for information on how to receive your stole.

We are so proud of our ODI graduates!

Ohio State grad cap with "How firm thy friendship" written on it

Resources for our new ODI graduates

Have questions or need accommodations?

For questions, or if you have a disability and require accommodations to fully participate in this activity, please send an email to Kimberly Lowe McCalla at You will be contacted by someone from our staff to discuss your specific needs.