1. Introduction
- This agreement is intended to facilitate the fair allocation and efficient use of facilities within the Frank W. Hale Black Cultural Center (HBCC) and provide the uniform and consistent administration of HBCC facility usage.
- This agreement applies to the temporary use of the Frank W. Hale Black Cultural Center that is made available for meetings, activities, events and instructional use. The reservable center rooms include Hale Hall 132 (MLK Jr. Auditorium), Hale Hall 130 (Kitchen), Hale Hall 110A, Hale Hall 110B and Hale Hall 101.
- As used in this policy:
- “HBCC” refers to the Frank W. Hale Black Cultural Center.
- “Event” means any use or planned use for no more than five consecutive days of the HBCC facility.
- “Group” means an entity reserving HBCC space.
- “Student Organization” is defined as a student organization currently registered with The Ohio State University’s Office of Student Life.
- "University Affiliate" refers to an individual student, staff or faculty member independent from a Student Organization or the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at The Ohio State University.
- "Non-University Affiliate" refers to any individual not affiliated with a unit at The Ohio State University.
2. General Guidelines
- The HBCC administrative staff is the official entity responsible for coordinating the use of the HBCC. All requests for the use of facilities must be submitted through the Mazévo Reservation Request System.
- The HBCC facility is reserved in the order in which requests are received, with consideration given to the size of the Group, type of program and space available, with exception given to Student Organizations as described in sections 4a and 4b of this policy.
- Advertising an Event prior to Event confirmation is strictly prohibited.
- The HBCC may assign and, if necessary, reassign rooms to ensure the maximum and most appropriate utilization of the HBCC. If the administrative staff reassigns a room, they will contact the affected Group within a reasonable period.
- In consultation with the Office of the Registrar, HBCC administrative staff may make the HBCC available for university courses.
- Student Organizations and university departments are permitted to engage in fundraising during events held at the HBCC, provided that all revenues generated by such fundraising are applied toward an internal organization at The Ohio State University, such as the activities of the sponsoring Student Organization or university department.
- Requests for sales, fundraising or solicitations may be brought before the HBCC administrative staff for consideration. Otherwise, no group may engage in fundraising during events held at the HBCC.
- All advertising for sales or solicitations sponsored by departments or student organizations must prominently display the name of the sponsoring department or Student Organization.
- The HBCC administrative staff must approve the use of the kitchen facilities, Hale Hall 130.
- With permission and supervision from the HBCC administrative staff or its designee[s], groups may decorate their reserved space for the duration of their reservation as described in Section 6 of this policy. Groups will be charged for any damage to the room or special cleaning as a result of this decoration.
- If you desire audio and video support, assistance must be requested one (1) week in advance.
How to request audio and video support from the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI):
- Go to Ohio State's Office of Technology and Digital Innovation website.
- Sign in using your Ohio State credentials (name. #).
- Click on Order Services (right side).
- Click Request Now (red button). Provide detailed information to request audio and video in-person supervision.
- Service Animals, as set forth under the Americans with Disabilities Act, for guests with disabilities are welcome in the HBCC. All other animals, including emotional support animals, are not permitted inside the HBCC.
- The HBCC may require fire, police or other security personnel for events in the facility. Need for such personnel shall be determined based on the time, place and type of event, along with consideration of any relevant safety and security concerns. Security personnel may also be provided at the request of the sponsoring organization. Requests for security personnel shall be made at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the event. Security cannot be guaranteed if requested less than twenty-eight (28) days in advance, and events requiring security coverage will not be permitted if adequate security is unavailable.
Without their approval, no security may be provided from agencies outside of The Ohio State University Police Department.
- All Groups using the HBCC shall obey all published university and HBCC policies, regulations and guidelines in addition to all local, state and federal laws.
- The Group sponsoring an event in the HBCC may determine the participants at the event. The sponsoring Group is solely responsible for the actions of the participants. HBCC policy is to call University Police if any person using the building appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The HBCC staff may ask a person to leave the building if a staff member judges that the person represents a threat to the safety and security of others present in the building.
Important Numbers:
Emergency: 911
University Police: 614-292-2121
- The HBCC is a smoke-, alcohol- and drug-free facility. Additionally, using electronic cigarettes and vaping is not allowed in the facility.
- The HBCC is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged property belonging to facility users. A Lost & Found bin is provided on the premises.
- HBCC comports with the First Amendment and other laws and policies that protect speech, including the Freedom of Expression at Ohio State policy.
3. Reserving the Hale Black Cultural Center
- A Group may reserve the HBCC by submitting an online request form via the Hale Black Cultural Center website.
- Reservations must be completed and confirmed no less than two business days prior to Event.
- All Event reservations must end at least 30 minutes prior to the end of building operating hours.
4. Additional Scheduling Considerations
- Reservations are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. HBCC may remove and/or reschedule any Event to host an HBCC-sponsored Event.
- All Student Organizations in good standing will be considered by the Hale Black Cultural Center for access to reservable space within the HBCC.
- Student Organizations must have a mission that aligns with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) and aligns with the university’s Shared Values.
- No guarantees will be made to specific reservable spaces in the HBCC (e.g., MLK Jr. Auditorium).
- Room reservations for Events that align with HBCC’s mission and vision to serve as an instrument of orientation and instruction to the larger community on issues of race, politics, economics, community, art and culture are prioritized for each of the organizational categories.
- Scheduling requests beyond the scope of this procedure may be brought before the HBCC Administrative Staff for special consideration.
- All Student Organizations in good standing will be considered by the Hale Black Cultural Center for access to reservable space within the HBCC.
5. Cancellations and No-Shows
- Cancellations must be reported to the HBCC Administrative Staff ten (10) days prior to the Event. An authorized signer must cancel university department and Student Organization Events from the department or organization. Failure to do so will result in the assessment of a cancellation fee. For all other departments/organizations, the assessed fee will equal the agreed-upon room rental fee.
- All Groups will be held responsible for all charges incurred by any financial or contractual commitments to facilitate the Event.
Fees: A minimum fee of $75.00 will be applied. Additional fees may be accrued upon evaluation as well as a potential loss of privileges or access to the center.
- All Groups failing to show up for scheduled reservations without providing proper notice of cancellation will result in restrictions on future bookings and HBCC services.
- A written notice will be provided to Groups with two (2) no-shows for scheduled reservations within the center, allowing the Group to reconfirm or cancel future reservations and Events.
- Groups with three (3) or more no-shows will receive written notice of a cancellation of all future Events in the center for the remainder of the semester.
- To restore access to HBCC reservation services, Groups repeatedly failing to show up for confirmed reservations must be brought before the HBCC Administrative Staff for consideration.
6. Decorations, Exhibits, and Displays
- Decorations and/or displays must not compromise public safety or increase the risk of property damage.
- Groups utilizing decorations, exhibits or displays must arrange for labor, outside of HBCC staff. The HBCC team does not arrange exhibits or displays for events.
- Stay within posted fire capacities. Occupancy limits are posted in every room.
- Maintain access to fire exits. No blocking of exit doors or needed egress areas.
- Special Effects equipment such as smoke, haze, fog and fire machines, sparklers, etc., are not permitted.
- Candles are strictly prohibited.
- Use of adhesives, hydrated beads, glitter, sand weights, confetti, rice, dance wax, powder, gel beads, or similar materials is strictly prohibited.
- Decorations may not be attached to ceilings, light fixtures, walls, floors, woodwork, draperies, windows, curtains or any painted or papered surface unless approved by the HBCC Administrative Staff or its designee[s].
- Any special needs or specific methods for placing decorations, exhibits and displays beyond the scope of this procedure must be approved by the HBCC Administrative Staff or its designee[s] prior to the Event date.
- All Groups are responsible for the set-up and clean-up of their Event.
- Decorations, exhibits and displays must be removed immediately following the Event or activity unless other arrangements have been approved by the HBCC Administrative Staff or its designee[s]. If it becomes necessary for staff to remove materials left by a Group, the sponsoring organization will be billed for all costs of removing the materials.
Fees: A minimum fee of $75.00 will be applied. Additional fees may be accrued as damage to the space is evaluated, as well as a potential loss of privileges or access to the center.
The individual/Group scheduling the Hale Black Cultural Center is financially responsible for the reservation and any damages or additional cleaning resulting from the Event.
7. Sanctions
- Any group violating any part of this policy may be sanctioned up to and including the loss of scheduling privileges.
Fees: A minimum fee of $75.00 will be applied. Additional fees may be accrued as damage to the space is evaluated as well as a potential loss of privileges or access to the center.
8. Parking
- There is no parking available at HBCC. There will be no blocking of emergency entrances and rampways and no parking in the designated delivery/loading zones. Users who do so risk being ticketed and towed at their own expense. Paid parking is available at the Ohio Union South Garage.
- If it is available, the loading dock can be used for loading and delivery. This is for temporary use only.
9. Standards for Review
- This policy shall be reviewed by the HBCC Administrative Staff on an annual or as-needed basis.