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Respectful Dialogue Toolkit

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion strives to inspire our Ohio State community to engage deeply, with integrity and respect, when having crucial conversations about our world. Whether it is conversations in the classroom, the residence hall, the workplace, or at the kitchen table, we encourage the exchange of diverse ideas, perspectives, and views. Academic freedom is a core value of our institution, and The Ohio State University is committed to creating learning opportunities in which all members of the university community can engage in frank, meaningful discussions with others.

What is Respectful Dialogue?

Respectful dialogue is engagement in honest, thoughtful, and reflexive conversation with the goal of understanding one another. By combining dialogic skills with active listening and an understanding of the diversity of experiences that shape our world, we strive to create conversational spaces where we can effectively communicate across differences and boundaries and learn from one another. Each person strives to operate with curiosity, authenticity, and vulnerability, to own the impact of their words, and to embrace the shared values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Workshops to Learn How to Foster Inclusive Dialogue

From Debate to Dialogue

From Debate to Dialogue: Conversation Strategies to Build Connection Across Difference is a cross-institutional training series presented by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion's Strategic Diversity Planning, Training and Assessment unit and American University's Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning.

From Debate to Dialogue

Navigating Difficult DEI Conversations

Difficult conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) range from conceptual to conflict resolution. This workshop offers participants the opportunity to learn what is important to consider when having difficult DEI conversations and offers concrete tools to avoid harmful conversations in favor of healing ones.

Inclusive Excellence Education Program

Goals for respectful dialogue for instructors, staff and students

Wolman professor speaks to her class in front of a chalkboard


Create inclusive classrooms

Model respectful discourse

Actively listen and respond compassionately

Collaborate to contribute to curriculum and department mission

Ohio State staff sit in chairs listening


Engage with Ohio State community members with respect and dignity

Actively listen and respond compassionately

Collaboratively contribute to unit mission

Create positive connections across campus

Ohio State students sit in the outdoor ampitheater


Engage in class with respect and dignity

Actively listen and respond compassionately

Engage with peers and living companions

Engage cooperatively in student organizations