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CRISP Graduate and Professional Student Services

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion CRISP Graduate and Professional Student Services unit provides programs and services for current and prospective graduate and professional students aimed at facilitating access and ensuring the success of diverse student populations in Ohio State graduate and professional programs.

Ohio State amphitheatre in the fall

Graduate and Professional Student Orientation and Networking Reception

The Graduate and Professional Student Orientation and Networking Reception is held each autumn semester to welcome new and returning graduate and professional students. It also allows students to meet with those in different fields of study as well as with faculty, staff and administrators at Ohio State, and network with select alumni and key ODI corporate partners.

GSP attendees standing on the stairs in Blackwell

Graduate and Professional Student Recruitment Initiative (GPS)

For students considering graduate studies at Ohio State, the Graduate and Professional Students Recruitment Initiative (GPS) serves as the premier diversity recruitment program.

USPB, Spelman and NC A&T students participate in McNair visit

Virtual Summer McNair Scholar Program

Each summer, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion hosts the Virtual Summer McNair Scholar Program for visiting McNair Scholars to offer a variety of services to assist scholars as they continue to explore their post-baccalaureate aspirations and with applying for graduate programs at Ohio State.

Preparing for the Professoriate students in matching sweatshirts

Preparing for the Professoriate Retreat

The annual Preparing for the Professoriate Retreat helps students prepare for the rigors of graduate and professional school, provides a scholarly atmosphere of support where historically underrepresented doctoral students can share and receive ongoing feedback on their research and professional interests, and assists students with goal setting and outlining a professional plan.

Group of PHD students at ODI's Dissertation Boot Camp

Dissertation Boot Camp

Co-sponsored by ODI and the Graduate School, the three-day Dissertation Boot Camp provides Ohio State ABD students with the space to work on their dissertations/EdD projects. In a stimulating environment, participants develop a plan to complete their degree work in a timely fashion and receive valuable one-on-one coaching and feedback from experienced faculty. The boot camp serves to create a strong support system across academic disciplines.

Tenured Faculty Panel Discussion & Luncheon

Graduate and professional students, post-docs and junior faculty are invited to participate in the Tenured Faculty Panel Discussion & Luncheon, which provides the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of some of the university’s most prominent and experienced faculty concerning terminal degree completion, career goals and how to successfully navigate academia as faculty and administrators.

proud mom kissing new OSU grad

Graduate & Professional Student Spring End-of-Year Recognition Program

This event recognizes individual and/or group accomplishments and/or contributions to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. During this program, we will celebrate our graduating graduate/professional students and show special appreciation to those faculty and graduate/professional students who have given of their time and expertise to assist with select ODI annual events on a consistent basis.

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