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Ohio LSAMP Partner Interviews 2021-2022

Evaluation Report: Year 9-4 (2021-2022) – Partner Interviews

Prepared by Institutional Research Consultants, Ltd.1
January 17, 2023

The Ohio Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is comprised of 10 partner institutions of higher learning (six four-year universities and four community colleges) that are striving to increase the number of underrepresented minority (URM) students who complete degree programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Initially funded by a five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grant in September 2013, the initiative was subsequently awarded a five-year continuation of additional funding in August 2018. The primary aim of the grant is still to double the number of degrees awarded to URM STEM majors.

This external evaluation report focuses on the initiative’s accomplishments and challenges during Year 4 (2021-2022) of the continuation grant. Background information on progress during the earlier funding term (2013-2018) and the first three years of the continuation (2018-2021), infused throughout, provides essential context (especially useful to personnel new to the initiative). This is a comprehensive status report on developments of The Ohio LSAMP Alliance as it concludes Year 4 of the continuation grant based on information synthesized from the ten partner teams (interviews with 28 stakeholders) and a variety of additional documentation.

The following achievements from Years 1 - 3 were maintained in Year 4:

  • LSAMP Scholars are benefitting from summer bridge and early arrival
  • LSAMP Scholars are given opportunities to make research presentations at symposia
  • LSAMP teams continue to leverage their institutions’ existing resources to help students
  • LSAMP Scholars are involved in research readiness, research projects, and internships
  • LSAMP Scholars are competitive, prepared for jobs and in pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Cohort scheduling is effectively addressing LSAMP Scholars’ need for social connection
  • Math remediation and co-requisite models are widely embraced throughout the alliance
  • Supplemental Instruction is broadly embedded in courses to support retention of math concepts
  • Summer bridge and faculty-mentored research are fully supported and sought after by students
  • Task forces reinforce the objectives and activities of the continuation grant
  • Partner institutions are engaged in active collaborating on transfer events
  • Proactive onboarding process speeds learning curve of staff new to LSAMP
  • Alliance website functions as a welcoming portal to the partner institutions
  • Increased attendance at alliance meetings continues due to Zoom format
  • Improvements in communication (more interactive coordinator meetings, weekly newsletter)3
  • Communication and data collection processes enhanced efficiency, response to feedback
  • More advance notice of alliance-wide meetings, events and trainings increased participation
  • Electronic enrollment of LSAMP Scholars across the alliance creates easier process
  • Math for Science Applications course piloted in fall 2020 at Miami University well received
  • WebAMP data utilized in The Ohio LSAMP 2019-2020 Impact Report4
  • The Ohio LSAMP Alliance received national and university recognition for its programming

1 Institutional Research Consultants, Ltd. (IRC) is an independent evaluation research firm located in central Ohio.

2 LSAMP partners were given an opportunity to review and have input on the November 22, 2022 draft.

3 The Ohio LSAMP Alliance uses the terms “program coordinator” and “coordinator” interchangeably to describe the position handling most day-to-day LSAMP activities at respective partner institutions.

4 Johnson, B. D., & Gallant, D. J. (2021, July). The Ohio LSAMP 2019-2020 Impact Report. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.

Additional progress in Year 4 was documented in the following areas:

  • Revised MTH 135 at Miami University in 2021 informed by evaluation of fall 2020 course
  • MTH 135 meets the new Miami Plan, now open to all students in fall 20235
  • Return to in-person Ohio LSAMP Annual Conference
  • Incorporation of hybrid learning and virtual options to increase student access
  • Revisions to the budgeting process extended the expenditure deadline and alleviated most delays in access to funding at start of fiscal year
  • Heightened LSAMP profile and presence, more student and stakeholder buy-in
  • Expansion of student-centered supports in tutoring, counseling, and advising
  • Internal processes now effectively monitor student progress and stipend disbursement
  • Increase in research opportunities and faculty mentoring of undergraduate scholars
  • Effective WebAMP training and team support during the submissions task

The Ohio LSAMP Alliance successfully navigated the unprecedented challenge of the COVID pandemic, and then in YR 4, the leadership and partner teams deftly navigated the equally challenging process of supporting students on campus as they adjusted to the “new normal.” Moving into the final year of the continuation grant, the stakeholders can direct more attention to broader institutionalization of LSAMP programming and best practices and wider dissemination of program outcomes, achievements, and research findings. Ensuring the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation has an elevated profile and leaves a strong positive legacy as a model for those that come afterward will be a very significant, commendable accomplishment.

5 See Miami University Plan for Students