Bethany Massenburg-Jackson learned about The Ohio State University Homecoming Court from role models who paved the way for her. Now, the fifth-year ODI Scholar (MSP) from Prince George’s County, Maryland, is looking to return the favor.
“I didn’t really know much about Homecoming Court until seeing Amanya [Paige], Kyla [Hurns], and other ODI Scholars do it. Sometimes until you see someone else doing it, you don’t really know something is an option,” Massenburg-Jackson explained. “Being on Homecoming Court is a celebration of how far I’ve come, and it’s an opportunity for advocacy and bringing light to issues on campus that people may not know about.”
The electrical engineering major is taking advantage of that opportunity by fundraising for Ohio State’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Massenburg-Jackson has been a leader within NSBE and decided to become a Buckeye thanks to the organization.
“Being surrounded by other Black professionals and seeing other students so interested in NSBE really helped me keep going,” Massenburg-Jackson stated. “NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community. The funds I raise will help further the mission and support Ohio State students.”
Beyond NSBE, Massenburg-Jackson has also served as co-overall of the African American Heritage Festival, and she works in programming for the Center for Belonging and Social Change and for the Department of Athletics’ audio-visual team.
Massunberg-Jackson says her Buckeye journey was not without obstacles—including mental health issues, a family member’s death, and a sleep disorder diagnosis—but she credits the ODI and S-SAS staff with helping her move forward. She encourages students who are struggling to make use of university resources and take life one day at a time.
“I didn’t necessarily have the smoothest road through Ohio State. There were hiccups and a lot of twists and turns. Sometimes, as an ODI Scholar or a minority student, you might feel a lot of pressure,” Massenburg-Jackson said. “As ODI Scholars, we strive for excellence, which is a good thing, but sometimes it’s genuinely okay to put your best foot forward, even if it’s not perfection. You can even still end up on Homecoming Court.”