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International Colloquium on Black Males in Education

The International Colloquium on Black Males in Education was co-founded in 2012 by Dr. Jerlando F. L. Jackson of the University of Wisconsin at Madison and Dr. James L. Moore III, executive director of the Bell National Resource Center on the African American Male.

The colloquium serves as a space to exchange ideas and perspectives concerning the global dynamics of Black males in the educational pipeline. It is a community-building experience that brings together world-class scholars, high-impact practitioners, policy makers, funders, students, and concerned citizens. The colloquium offers a diverse array of programs that serve to elicit intellectual thought, discussion, and ideas that can be implemented to serve and improve the experiences of Black males throughout the world. Colloquium participants are encouraged to discuss the wide range of educational issues that arise across the educational pipeline (i.e., university and PK-12) as well as share ideas and innovative practices in different disciplinary fields (e.g., history, sociology and STEM) that take into consideration how forces such as globalization and the internationalization of education affect the educational trajectories of Black males.