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Tagged: Global Education

ODI Scholar’s MUNDO London trip broadens her understanding of global education

Since high school, Kyla Hurns knew studying abroad was an opportunity that she wanted to take advantage of as soon as possible. Now, the third year ODI Scholar (MSP) from Southfield Michigan has safely returned from the Multicultural Understanding through Non-traditional Discovery Opportunities (MUNDO) London Study Abroad trip with a newfound global perspective she can apply to her work in public policy.

ODI expertise supports Dominican Republic students

More than 600 students from high-risk backgrounds in the Dominican Republic will get a chance to attend college with a support system modeled after Office of Diversity and Inclusion's (ODI) flagship programs under a $12 million investment recently announced by the island government.

Grabbing headlines in the Dominican Republic was news from the Minister of Higher Education Franklin Garcia that an unprecedented $644 million in Dominican pesos will be spent helping students from vulnerable groups succeed at a trio of local colleges.

Young Scholar’s global education experience nets her Peace Corps teaching job in Africa

An global education experience in Rwanda and a hunger for public service have landed Young Scholar Alanna Strickland a position as a teacher in the Peace Corps in Togo after graduation this spring.

Art show partnership features students’ work highlighting Black History Month

Student-created art designed to spark conversation and highlight the lived experiences of those marginalized by society was the focus of a well-attended art show hosted February 10 at Curl Viewpoint. The artwork was created by ODI Scholars and various students of color on campus.