In addition to success coaching sessions with the LSAMP Program Coordinator, all LSAMP scholars engage in both peer mentoring and faculty mentoring.
Peer Mentoring
LSAMP peer mentors are LSAMP scholars with sophomore standing or higher that volunteer to serve as mentors for first-year LSAMP scholars. First-year scholars will connect with their peer mentor at least four times during their first academic year. Peer mentors serve as a resource to help answer questions about LSAMP, STEM courses, resources at Ohio State, or life at Ohio State in general. Whenever possible, first-year scholars will be paired with a peer mentor pursuing the same major or a similar major.
Faculty Mentoring
LSAMP scholars will have the opportunity to engage with an assigned faculty mentor during their first and second years in the LSAMP program. Each scholar will connect with their faculty mentor at least twice during the spring semester of their first year, and at least twice during each semester of their second year. Students will be matched with a faculty mentor, and they will be paired with a faculty member in their major or department whenever possible. Faculty members can help support LSAMP scholars by providing opportunities such as lab tours, information about research opportunities, and information about funding, study abroad and other resources.

LSAMP Peer Mentor Program
Are you interested in mentoring a fellow LSAMP Scholar? The Ohio State LSAMP Peer Mentor Program creates relationships with LSAMP mentees that help transition students into the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

LSAMP Faculty and Staff Mentor Program
Are you an Ohio State faculty or staff member interested in mentoring an Ohio State or Columbus State Community College LSAMP student?