There are a variety of valuable resources available to parenting students both on campus and in the community. A few of these organizations and programs are collected below.

Family Zone in Thompson Library
University Libraries has partnered with ACCESS to create a Family Zone in Thompson Library. Located on the first floor near the circulation desk, the Family Zone is a comfortable, welcoming space for parents pursuing a college education at Ohio State to study and access library resources. It includes a designated computer for the parent, seating for children and a small collection of children’s books that can be enjoyed in Thompson Library.

Affordable undergrad student parent housing
Columbus Scholar House, North 17th Street, Columbus, Ohio 43203, offers:
- Rent: Based on 30% of adjusted annual income with unit types of 2 and 3 Bedrooms: 970 - 1,145 sq. ft. in Columbus City Schools
- Resident services and priority and access to on-site childcare

Franklin County Children Services Resource Guide
Franklin County Children Services advocates for the safety, permanency and well-being of each child in a manner that honors family and culture.

Title IX law for pregnant and parenting students
Schools that receive federal funds must not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, including a student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination, or recovery therefrom. Schools must provide equal access to school programs and extracurricular activities to students who might be, are, or have been pregnant.

Buckeye Food Alliance
The Buckeye Food Alliance aims at understanding the impact of hunger on educational achievement. They provide access to healthy food for the Ohio State community in order to reduce food insecurity.

Lutheran Social Services 211
Lutheran Social Services 211, also known as LSS 211 Central Ohio, is a database to connect central Ohio residents to comprehensive social, health, non-profit and government resources.