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Ohio State LSAMP Newsletter Spring 2024

LSAMP Welcome Back Social

The Spring 2024 Welcome Back Social for Ohio State University LSAMP Scholars took place at Hale Hall on January 12, 2024. Forty-five scholars joined the event, aimed at discussing Ohio State LSAMP spring requirements and assisting students in setting personal goals for the semester. Attendees enjoyed a Jamaican buffet, engaged in socializing, played games, and fostered a sense of community. It served as an excellent start to the Spring 2024 semester!

College of Medicine Night

Thanks to the generosity of donors within the College of Medicine, we orchestrated an Ohio State LSAMP College of Medicine evening on February 12, 2024. The event featured an OSU Medical School Admissions Advisor, facilitating discussions on crucial subjects such as prerequisites, MCAT scores and preparation, as well as the desirable attributes sought by the admissions committee.

Furthermore, alongside the admissions advisor, we welcomed current OSU Medical Students to participate in a panel discussion, providing invaluable insights and firsthand experiences from their journey to and through medical school. This provided scholars the opportunity to engage with and establish connections with current medical students.

Through the support of the College of Medicine, we were able to offer MCAT Prep books, portable monitors, and other MCAT study materials as raffle prizes for scholars in attendance.

A big thank you goes to the College of Medicine for their invaluable contributions and support.

LSAMP Alliance 2024 Spring Research Showcase

On February 16, 2024, the Ohio LSAMP Alliance hosted a Spring Research Showcase, where students from various institutions across Ohio presented their research to faculty, staff, and peers. The Ohio State LSAMP proudly showcased three of its research scholars: Isaiah Boateng, Maguette Niang, and Karierah Humphrey. Congratulations to these scholars on their outstanding contributions!

Isaiah Boateng, The Ohio State University

“Identification of Ancestry-Associated Gene Fusions in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia”

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a hematologic malignancy originating from uncontrolled growth of immature white blood cells. Disease outcomes are largely influenced by presence or absence of selective gene mutations. Improvements in diagnosis and treatment is informed by hallmark genetic sequencing studies. However, these large studies have long lacked diversity. In fact, recent knowledge about the genetic changes in AML patients and changes in the expression of other genes was likely a result of hallmark sequencing studies which only included ~1.6% of patients identifying as Black.
We were able to show that for the first time being Black alone meant you had a 40% higher likelihood to die of their disease compared to White patients.

Aim 1: Was to Validate the Prescence of the fusion genes: using, patient RNA as the building block to reconstruct DNA with identified gene fusions. 
Next, I depicted the fusion genes using Sanger sequencing as a method of final confirmation.

Aim 2: Further, analysis will see me place validated genes in cancer cell lines to investigate functional effects.

This experiment has validated several, novel fusion events that are likely ancestorial since they were not seen in over 700 white patients included in our analysis. Ongoing subsequent analysis will reveal the effects on cell growth, viability, and or downstream effects in the respective pathways.

As a result, this study will provide potential targetable genetic insight that may improve treatment plans and challenge current survival outcomes for Black AML patients.

Maguette Niang, The Ohio State University

“Age-Related Changes of Oral Bone”

Osteoporosis is characterized by decreasing loss of bone and bone mineral density (BMD) with aging. Many studies have observed the BMD changes of orthopedic bones but relatively less studies have been performed for oral bone. Thus,  the objective of  this study was to investigate age-related changes of BMD for alveolar bone (AB) and basal cortical bone (CB) at left lower premolar and left mandibular condyle using dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).

After approval of IRB, CBCT scans from 84 patients (34 males and 50 females, 20 to 70 (49.83±14.64) years old) were acquired. The AB and CB regions around the lower left premolar roots and left mandibular condyle with the height of 7 mm from the condyle top to the occlusal plane were digitally isolated using imaging software (ITK SNAP). Volumes of each region were obtained by counting voxels and a CT attenuation value (gray value), which is proportional to bone mineral density (BMD), was assessed for each voxel. Pearson's correlation was tested between the volume and mean gray value of each region with age. The significance was set at p<0.05.

The mean gray value of the left lower premolar (AB) significantly decreases with age (r = -0.46, p = 0.001), while its volume significant increase (r = 0.396, p = 0.006). All other correlations were not significant (p>0.066).

The current finding indicates that oral bone may not substantially change with aging.

Karierah Humphrey, The Ohio State University

“Quality Assurance for Proton MRS Studies”

Karierah C. Humphrey, Dr. Kim M. Cecil, PhD, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC)

Objective: Organize, analyze, and interpret MRS QA data obtained bimonthly from two research dedicated MRI scanners from January 2021 until June 2023. 

Methods: Sealed phantom (“Braino”) was positioned in headcoil of an MRI at isocenter of each scanner. Data was recorded and, from the data seen between January 2021-June 2023, this was taken and processed using a HOROS software and a Tarquin Software. An excel sheet was utilized to obtain different desired data topics.

Results: Waterline width in both T1 and T2 had a very consistent measuring ability, with minimal outliers. Noise in the T1 scanner, had an extended period of stability, but an increase in noise began in early 2023 to the end date of the analyses. Noise in the T2 scanner shows stability throughout 2021 but experienced several periods with increased noise that returned to baseline toward the end of the analyses. SNR metabolite showed to be consistent. 

Conclusion: MRI scanner magnets are well shimmed, but noise levels showed to be problematic. For the T1 scanner, the scanner room door (equipped to prevent radiofrequency signal leakage) had an issue, so this graph helped to observe this issue. The next step would be to evaluate the effects of elevated noise from human data and take extra steps, if needed. Despite the noise variations, the SNR levels remained consistent and similar across both scanners over time.

Faculty Roundtables

The Ohio LSAMP Alliance recognizes mentorship as a key component to students attaining a baccalaureate degree in STEM. On March 5, 2024, Ohio State LSAMP organized a Faculty Round Table event, which had 18 scholars in attendance. Undergraduate students in their first, second, and transfer years were invited to engage with faculty members, fostering meaningful connections and networking opportunities. This event was designed to cultivate strong relationships between students and faculty, promote involvement in STEM research, and enhance awareness of educational opportunities within STEM fields. 

Thank you to our unwavering faculty who are committed to the success of our scholars!

Peer Mentorship

Within the Ohio State LSAMP, five second-year scholars served as peer mentors to our freshman cohort, offering invaluable guidance and support throughout their first year. Trinity Macon, Andrew Loney, Edna Boadi, Nicholas Pineda, and Rezvan Ghezae demonstrate dedication to the success of their mentees. Thank you, peer, mentors, for the successful completion of the 2023-2024 mentoring program. 

Funding for Graduate School and Professional Development

The Ohio State LSAMP prioritizes the holistic success of each scholar within its community. Through grant funding and donor contributions to an LSAMP development fund, the program has facilitated financial support for students to enhance their professional development for graduate studies and academic enrichment. Scholars have access to funding opportunities covering various needs such as test preparation, study materials, books, waivers, and exam fees. Additionally, LSAMP offers financial assistance for professional development, enabling scholars to attend conferences and enrich their academic journeys. During the Spring 2024 semester, LSAMP funded:

•    Shauna Burkes to the National Society of Black Engineers National Conference  
•    Dieynabou Diallo to the National Society of Black Engineers Annual Conference  
•    Lael Gray to the National Association for Black Veterinarians 
•    Philip Lawal to the National Society of Black Engineers Annual Convention 
•    Maguette Niang to the International Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research Conference

Celebration of Accomplishments

Our scholars have done so many great things this past year and deserve to be celebrated. The annual LSAMP Celebration of Accomplishments was held at The Faculty Club on April 12, 2024. Please join us in celebrating our well deserving award winners: 

LSAMP Honorees
  • Outstanding First Year Scholar: Ivon Ongayo
  • Outstanding Second Year Scholar: Trinity Macon 
  • Outstanding Third Year Scholar:  Carol Mensah-Bonsu
  • Outstanding Fourth Year Scholar: Ami Kanu 
  • Social Change Award: Andrew Loney
  • Trailblazer Award: Zion Moss

Our Sponsors

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our corporate sponsor for the 2023-2024 academic year, Honda. Thanks to their generous support, sixteen first-year students participated in a six-day (August 13-18, 2023) STEM Early Arrival Program, immersing themselves in a range of workshops aimed at familiarizing them with campus resources crucial for their success in the coming year. 

Ohio State LSAMP Team

Dr. Dorinda Gallant, Co-PI and Director
Victoria Auger, Program Coordinator
Tisha Owusua, Graduate Associate 
Trinity Macon, Student Worker