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Tagged: Latine Student Success

Avanzando Through College now accepting applications

The ATC Leadership Program, in partnership with UnidosUS, is aimed at equipping students with the skills, information, and support systems to successfully navigate their first year of college and set them on a path for academic and professional success. Students with financial need will receive a $500 stipend upon completion of the program.

Deadline to apply is September 20, 2024.

ODI staffer awarded UnidosUS grant

ODI is proud to share that Johana Coronado, a Program Specialist for ODI's Latine Student Success (LSS), has been awarded a grant from UnidosUS to deliver the Avanzando Through College Leadership Program.  This grant provides a curriculum foundation for students who want to build their college success and leadership skills in a learning community that uplifts Latine cultures, experiences and perspectives.

ODI Scholars act as both teachers and students at UnidosUS Education Summit

Since 2000, Latine enrollment at four-year colleges has quadrupled; yet, just over half of Latine students graduate from these institutions. For ODI Scholars Lauren González and Nallely Segura, this is a major problem—one worth traveling across the country to address.

LSS grad’s four-year discovery of Ohio State—and herself

If you had asked 17-year-old Regina Loayza where she envisioned herself in four years, her answer would have been instantaneous: anywhere but The Ohio State University.

Yet when the COVID-19 pandemic hit during the Columbus native’s senior year of high school, Loayza landed at Ohio State. Now on the brink of graduation, the fourth-year Latine Student Success Scholar believes that twist of fate was instrumental to her journey.

Latine Student Success Program Specialist is honored

Johana Coronado, a program specialist in ODI's Latine Student Success Program has been awarded the 2024 Office of Student Life Outstanding Academic Mentor award. Johana was nominated by Alpha Psi Lambda, a fraternity that ODI was instrumental in establishing 40 years ago.