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Tagged: The Ohio State University

2024-25 President and Provost's Council on Women leadership team announced

The Women’s Place is pleased to announce transitions within the President and Provost’s Council on Women leadership team for the 2024-25 academic term.

Read the entire article on the new leadership team.

Apply to be a Civil Discourse Fellow

Center for Ethics and Human Values (CEHV) Civil Discourse Fellows plan and moderate CEHV's Civil Discourse Forums and serve as ambassadors for civil discourse on campus. Each Civil Discourse Fellow receives a $750 fellowship award and serves from the autumn semester when they are accepted through autumn semester of the following year. Applications take about 10-15 minutes and are due by the end of the day on Friday, September 20, 2024. 

The Ohio State offers class to nonprofit leaders in the community

The Ohio State University in partnership with My Brother's Keeper and the Commission on Black Girls in Columbus is now offering a class to nonprofit leaders in the community.

Their goal is to promote and advance leaders from historically marginalized backgrounds. They are expanding services to establish a hub that supports the advancement of boys, girls and young men of color. 

Muyuchina Quechua Verb Wheel at COSI!

This summer, Micah Unzueta, Alec Kingsley and several other collaborators brought to fruition a full-scale model of Muyuchina Quechua Verb Wheel and implementation with diverse publics at COSI.