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Tagged: ODI SP24 Graduation

Ohio State offers MSP grad a passport to the world

Global citizenship: It’s a concept that continues to grow in importance as the world becomes increasingly interconnected—and few embody it better than Arón Olegnowicz-Cruz.

A high-achieving Mexico City native who grew up in suburban Cincinnati, Olegnowicz-Cruz knew from a young age that he wanted to improve educational equity, especially for folks from diverse backgrounds.

ODI graduates implored to show love and fight for the change they seek in the world

The enduring power of love and the importance of advocating for social change were on the minds of student speakers as about 150 scholars took part in ODI's Graduation ceremony on Thursday, May 2nd at the Ohio Union.

"We don't shy away from tough conversations, we welcome them," said Alex Abreo, a Morrill Scholar graduating with a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience. "Our own university arrests students for exercising their First Amendment rights. Students--more than ever--we need to stand up and be a voice of the voiceless."

LSS grad’s four-year discovery of Ohio State—and herself

If you had asked 17-year-old Regina Loayza where she envisioned herself in four years, her answer would have been instantaneous: anywhere but The Ohio State University.

Yet when the COVID-19 pandemic hit during the Columbus native’s senior year of high school, Loayza landed at Ohio State. Now on the brink of graduation, the fourth-year Latine Student Success Scholar believes that twist of fate was instrumental to her journey.

YSP grad ends one Buckeye journey and begins another

As an aspiring counselor, Aalissia Thomas plans to spend the rest of her life helping others navigate challenges—a dream she will be one step closer to achieving when she accepts her diploma this May. However, Thomas says she never would have accomplished this milestone if the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) had not supported her through difficulties of her own.

Outgoing USG Vice President reflects on her opportunities and accomplishments

While many of The Ohio State University's 45,000 undergraduate students embody the Buckeye spirit, few represent the Ohio State student body quite like Madison Mason. A fourth-year Morrill Scholar, Mason spent the past year serving as Vice President of Undergraduate Student Government (USG), achieving numerous victories for the student body, including more access to mental health services.