Welcome to the CHAMPS Mentoring Program Resource Page!
Program Manager Jessica Parent and the CHAMPS Student Resource Advocate are always a call, email or text away, but it's likely you'll find what you need right here. Be sure to bookmark this page!
Need Help?
General/Comprehensive Resources
Cap4Kids is a comprehensive website that is updated daily with the most current resources in the Columbus area. From your phone, click the website and tap “Parent Resources” to expand the list of resources, organized by category. From your computer, search the categories on the left-hand side to find exactly what you need!
Lutheran Social Services/211 Central Ohio (formerly known as Hands On Central Ohio)
211 Central Ohio connects residents in Franklin County, Ohio with social, health, and government services. You can easily search by service and zip code to find the resource you need close you to! To ensure eligibility for specific resources, you can utilize additional search features, including age and gender.
Lutheran Social Services/211 Central Ohio (formerly known as Hands On Central Ohio)
Simply input your zip code and find resources near you! Once your zip code is entered, resources will be categorized and organized in an easy to access manner.
Breastfeeding Support
Black Breastfeeding Circle
A private Facebook group specifically designed for Black women in Central Ohio who are either pregnant and want to breastfeed or are currently breastfeeding and are seeking information and support.
Mount Carmel Health Systems
Visit the website below or call the breastfeeding hotline at 614-234-MILK (6455).
Mount Carmel offers a comprehensive breastfeeding program including free support groups, free breastfeeding helpline (614-234-MILK), breastfeeding classes, outpatient consultation with a Certified Lactation Counselor, breast pump rental, and more.
NOTE: Insurance will often cover consults with Certified Lactation Counselors!
OhioHealth Health Systems
Visit the website below or call the breastfeeding hotline at (614) 566-3434.
OhioHealth offers breastfeeding support services at each delivery hospital throughout Central Ohio. Refer to the website to contact hospital specific lactation support.
NOTE: Insurance will often cover consults with Certified Lactation Counselors!
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Visit the website below or call 614-293-8910.
Ohio State offers prenatal and postpartum consults with Certified Lactation Counselors.
NOTE: Insurance will often cover consults with Certified Lactation Counselors!
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
For those who are eligible for WIC according to the income guidelines, each WIC office has Certified Lactation Counselors that will provide FREE breastfeeding support! Just schedule an appointment at the location closest to you by clicking the link and inputting your zip code! If you need further assistance in contacting your local WIC clinic, call 614-645-7280.
Childbirth Education
Please note that these resources have associated fees.
Choice Services
CHOICE Childbirth Education classes explore the physiological processes of labor, birth and postpartum recovery to help you prepare, physically and emotionally, for welcoming your baby into your life. Courses are designed for families who are planning to give birth at home or in the hospital. We offer instruction to aid physiological birthing techniques, breastfeeding, postpartum care, and advocating for your wishes with caregivers.
Mount Carmel Health Systems
Easy-to-use, flexible, online courses that allow expectant parents to complete classes on their own time. The following courses are offered:
- Understanding Breastfeeding ($45)
- Understanding Cesarean Birth ($45)
- Understanding Labor & Birth ($50)
- Understanding Newborn Care ($45)
- Understanding Fatherhood ($45)
- Understanding Pregnancy ($45)
- Understanding Infant Safety and Health ($45)
- Understanding Multiples ($50)
OhioHealth Health Systems
OhioHealth offers a variety of childbirth education courses, ranging from three-hour courses to two-day workshops.
NOTE: Classes vary in their delivery method (online vs. in person), location (Riverside, Grant, etc.), and cost. Register online through the website.
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Ohio State offers a variety of childbirth education courses, ranging from three-hour courses to two-day workshops.
NOTE: Classes vary in their delivery method (online vs. in person) and cost. Register online through the website.
Child Safety
Pregnancy Decision Health Center
Attend a class to learn how to properly install and use car seats and leave with a car seat of your own. To register, call or text 614-444-4411 or open the link below to chat with a professional.
Columbus locations include:
- 22 E. 17th Ave., 43201
- 5900 Cleveland Ave., 43231
- 4111 W. Broad, 43228
Emergency Assistance
Food Pantries
Input your zip code to find food resources close to you!
Food Soldier
A FREE Fresh Produce & Food Give-A-Way Empowerment & Resource Zone created to educate you on FREE resources available in the Columbus area. Join the Facebook group to stay up to date!
NOTE: Age requirement is 18+.
Farmers Markets
Input your zip code to find a farmer's market close to you!
Rent & Utilities
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally-funded program managed by the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD). It is designed to help income-eligible consumers with winter heating costs.
Home Energy Assistance Program (Heap)
IMPACT Community Action
The purpose of this service is to provide emergency financial assistance to prevent homelessness, and/or establish permanent housing for residents of Columbus and Franklin County. This program is for customers that have past due rental/mortgage costs, or first month's rent due for a new home/apartment.
Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus)
The Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus) is a payment arrangement to help eligible electric and natural gas customers pay their utility bills. Instead of paying for the actual amount of electric or natural gas used, PIPP Plus customers pay a percentage of their income. They are billed six percent of the household's monthly income for electric and/or natural gas service. All-electric PIPP Plus customers are billed ten percent of their monthly income. The minimum PIPP Plus payment is $10.
Percentage Of Income Payment Plus Plan (PIPP)
Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC)
The new Prevention, Retention and Contingency (PRC) Emergency Rental Assistance Program has the flexibility to cover up to 100% of delinquent rent costs to get your family caught up with your landlord. PRC Emergency Rental Assistance can also combine with Franklin County's PRC and PRC Plus programs to help cover cost of up to three additional months of rent in advance for families who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as help with utilities.
Emotional Support / Mental Health
Crisis Support
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Crisis Line
Mental health support for any Franklin County resident under the age of 18 in a crisis situation; available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Netcare Access
Mental health support for any Franklin County resident, 18+ years of age in a crisis situation; available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Emergency Services
Call 9-1-1
Emergency support for anyone experiencing a life-threatening crisis.
Suicide Prevention Hotline
Call or text 614-221-5445
Mental health support for anyone experiencing mental health crisis; available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Teen Hotline
Call or text 614-294-3300
Mental health support for teens experiencing mental health crisis; available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Ongoing Support
POEM (Perinatal Outreach and Encouragement for Moms)
POEM provides a variety of mental health services to expectant or mothering women, including peer support groups, mentoring programs, education on pregnancy and postpartum depression and related mood/anxiety disorders, and referrals to appropriate mental health resources when necessary.
NOTE! POEM has a program called RISE, designed specifically for Black women and run exclusively by Black women.
See links below:
- for in-depth information on the services.
- to get connected to a POEM representative, who will contact you within 48 business hours, OR call 614-315-8989.
In-Depth Information on POEM Services
Connect with a POEM Representative
Directions for Youth and Families
Visit the website below or call 614-294-2661.
Directions for Youth & Families treatment services provide counseling, community support, and clinical services in person or via telehealth to youth and their families. A resiliency-oriented/trauma-informed agency, they help individuals and families address and overcome a range of issues.
Directions for Youth and Families
North Community Counseling Centers
Visit the website below or call 614-261-3196
North Community Counseling Centers offers individualized counseling and provides support in order to address a variety of concerns, including mental health disorders, family conflict, financial challenges, parenting concerns, and more.
Four Columbus locations include:
- 1855 East Dublin Granville Road, 43229
- 3556 Sullivant Ave., 43204
- 4897 Karl Road, 43229
- 1299 McNaughten Road, 43232
Family Violence Support
Action Ohio Coalition for Battered Women
Visit the website below or call 614-825-0551.
Action Ohio Coalition for Battered Women
ASHA Ray of Hope
Visit the website below or call 614-326-2121.
Connects victims of domestic violence in the South Asian community to resources, case management, crisis intervention and provides advocacy. They provide interpreter and transportation services as well. Victims can call the free, confidential hotline for help and support.
Visit the website below or text 614-333-1907.
The Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization (BRAVO) provides comprehensive individual and community programs for survivor advocacy and support to LGBTQI survivors of hate and bias violence, discrimination, intimate partner violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault.
The Center for Family Safety and Healing
Call 844-234-5463, text 87028, or chat using link below.
Monday-Friday 10 a.m - 6 p.m.
The Center for Family Safety and Healing runs the “Where's the Line” campaign, which provides confidential support to anyone experiencing family violence, including child abuse and neglect, teen dating abuse, domestic abuse, and elder abuse.
The Center for Family Safety and Healing
Visit the website below or call 614-224-4663.
CHOICES provides 24-hour support services to victims of domestic violence through their crisis hotline, temporary emergency shelter, legal advocacy, counseling, and peer support groups.
Maternity / Baby Items
Diapers and Wipes
Pregnancy Decision Health Center
Visit website below or call 614-444-4411.
Columbus locations include:
- 22 E. 17th Ave., 43201
- 5900 Cleveland Ave., 43231
- 4111 W. Broad, 43228
Pregnancy Decision Health Center
Cloth Diaper Connection
Visit website below or call 614-398-1665.
Little Bottoms Free Store
You MUST register online first, then bring the following verification to the store at 89 W. Park Ave., 43223 (OPEN Thursday 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.)
- If pregnant – bring valid photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport) and proof of pregnancy (ultrasound or medical bill showing prenatal appointment with due date)
- If parenting children years 0-3 – bring valid photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport) and child's birth certificate or medical bill showing child and caregiver's name or referral from agency with birth date of child
Clothing and Household Items
Joseph’s Coat
Visit website below or call 614-863-1371.
You MUST fill out a membership application first (contact Joseph's Coat), then bring the following verification to the store at 240 Outerbelt Street, Suite 5, 43213:
- Identification of all household members (photo identification for all adults and birth certificate or social security card for all children).
Then you will be eligible to shop once monthly for clothing, small household items via APPOINTMENT ONLY (call 614-863-1371 to schedule).
Little Bottoms Free Store
You MUST register online first, then bring the following verification to the store at 89 W. Park Ave 43223 (OPEN Thursday 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.)
- If pregnant – bring valid photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport) and proof of pregnancy (ultrasound or medical bill showing prenatal appointment with due date)
- If parenting children years 0-3 – bring valid photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport) and child's birth certificate or medical bill showing child and caregiver's name or referral from agency with birth date of child
West Side Free Store
Visit website below or call 614-351-5480.
61 South Powell Ave., 43204
Open Monday: 9:30 - 11:45 a.m., Thursday: 3:00 - 5:15 p.m., Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
United Methodist Church & Community Development for All People
Visit website below or call 614-443-1713.
946 Parsons Ave., 43206
Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (call 614-443-1713)
United Methodist Church & Community Development for All People
Baptists for Life of Central Ohio
Visit website below or call 614-272-7038.
3417 Palmetto St., 43204
Open Wednesday: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
MUST bring – parent photo ID, ID with name and date of birth for each child receiving items.
Parenting Support
Directions for Youth and Families – Positive Paths Parenting Program
Visit the website below or call 614-294-2661.
Available to parents in Franklin County - in person or via Zoom - the Positive Paths Parenting Program offers up to 8 hours of instruction of parenting classes.
Directions for Youth and Families – Positive Paths Parenting Program
CHLOE (Community Health Life Skills Opportunities and Education)
Visit the website below or call 614-477-1426.
CHLOE aims to equip and empower young expectant or mothering women, ages 13-21, to learn and practice nurturing parenting and self-care skills as they are guided toward financial self-sufficiency. CHLOE offers a wide range of parenting support, including childbirth education, prenatal classes, parenting classes, mentoring support, etc. CHLOE does offer incentives for attendance and participation.
Pregnancy Decision Health Center
Visit the website below or call 614-444-4411.
Columbus locations include:
- 22 E. 17th Ave., 43201
- 5900 Cleveland Ave., 43231
- 4111 W. Broad, 43228
Offers FREE parenting classes!
Pregnancy Decision Health Center
Email Moms2B@osumc.edu, or call 614-292-1605 to enroll.
Moms2B is an innovative, community-based pregnancy program expectant women, teaching moms-to-be how to have a healthy baby and pregnancy, connecting them with health care professionals, and providing them with an opportunity to share a meal and make new friends at a Prenatal Education Session. Sessions are held every week, and we provide transportation assistance, free supervised playtime and incentives for attendance. There are SEVERAL locations across Columbus – if you are pregnant, check them out at the website below!
Nationwide Children’s Hospital - Positive Parenting Program
Visit the website below or call 614-355-8099.
The Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) gives parents and caregivers of children 0 to 8 years old new ideas and a chance to meet other parents. Community organizations in 13 Ohio counties help you with common parenting issues and challenging behavior. All sessions are free and at no cost. Upcoming sessions are listed on the website above. You can attend short, two-hour small group discussions that target a specific challenging behavior or an extensive eight-week course that provides more comprehensive parenting skills.
Nationwide Children’s Hospital - Positive Parenting Program
Nurse Family Partnership
Visit the website below or call -614-722-8303 to enroll.
Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) provides a free personal home visitation nurse to first-time, low-income mothers, from early pregnancy up to the child's second birthday. NFP improves pregnancy outcomes by encouraging preventive health practices that enhance child health outcomes.
NOTE: Must be eligible for WIC or Medicaid.
Healthy Families America
Visit the website below or call 614-722-8224 to enroll.
The Healthy Families America program at The Center for Family Safety and Healing provides home visitation to low-income mothers and fathers from pregnancy until the child's third birthday. The program is designed to ensure children are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
YoungLife Teen Moms Program
Call 614-648-0809 or contact Alexis Ledezma at alexis.younglives@gmail.com for more information.
A faith-based organization that provides parenting support through peer mentorship to teen mothers.
Center for Healthy Families
Visit the website below or call 614-884-4200.
Pregnant and parenting teens ages 13-19 in Franklin County have the opportunity to create positive outcomes by working one-on-one with a resource advocate to help foster success in several key areas: education, relationships, health, housing, and parenting.
Nationwide Children’s Hospital – Teen and Pregnant Program
Visit the web site below or call (614) 355-6350.
The Teen and Pregnant Program (TaP) provides prenatal and postpartum care for pregnant women up to the age of 21 and 6 months of age. As a patient in the Teen Pregnancy Clinic, you will:
- Meet with a doctor, nurse practitioner, social worker and dietitian
- Participate in Centering Pregnancy (group care) where you can meet other pregnant teens
- Understand safe sleep practices and other ways to care for your baby
- Sign up for home visiting, WIC and other programs
- Learn about how to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy habits
- Learn about balancing parenthood with school and relationships
- Choose the best birth control after baby's birth to prevent another pregnancy