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ODI RiSE My Very Own Blanket-Making Event

November 21, 2024 | 12:00 - 2:00 pm
MLK Auditorium
Hale Hall

RiSE's goal is to make 50 blankets every autumn and 50 blankets every spring to donate 100 blankets a year to the organization for children to have a blanket of their very own when they are placed into foster care.

Register for blanket making event

My Very Own Blanket is dedicated to warming the heart of every child and teen in the foster care system and in need with a handmade blanket or quilt, giving them a feeling of comfort, security and most of all, a smile. 

These gifts are comforting and familiar and children can take them from one home to another. Through the loving care of volunteers, thousands of blankets are donated each year to children in foster care. Each blanket is personalized with the child’s name, a tradition for “My Very Own Blanket” since 1999.

Learn more about My Very Own Blanket