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Motivating through Meaningful Research Assignments

February 26, 2025 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm

When we find our work to be meaningful, we are often more motivated to tackle that work...this also true for students and their academic work! In this workshop, we will discuss key elements of motivation as they relate to student learning and consider how we can help students finding meaning in their academic work. After participating in this workshop, participants should be able…​​ (1) to describe the role of student motivation in their learning, (2) to identify the various factors that influence student motivation, (3) to identify the potential benefits of meaningful assignments for students.

Register for Meaningful Research Assignments

This online workshop is part of Meaningful Inquiry, which is an Ohio State collaboration between University Libraries, Writing Across the Curriculum, and the Ohio State Newark Library. For more details about Meaningful Inquiry, please visit our full program description on the Drake Institute for Teaching & Learning.