Help Create a Culture in Which All Can Thrive at Ohio State
The Women’s Place invites you to attend an Ally workshop and help create a culture in which all can thrive and contribute fully at Ohio State. As the primary participants in this program, male colleagues share and learn about how to create a more inclusive and equitable culture for women colleagues and minoritized groups while holding each other accountable for growth. Led by and for men*, these sessions aim to offer a safe and supportive space for participating in critical conversations.
Male campus leaders, called Advocates, will lead these Ally workshops. In this NSF-supported approach, participants will learn about gender bias and microaggressions, evidence-based strategies to interrupt them, and ways to contribute to positive changes on Ohio State's campuses.
* We welcome transgender and nonbinary people who feel comfortable in a setting focused on men’s transformational learning to participate as both Advocates and Allies. Workshops are open to people of all genders.
Register for Advocates & Allies for Equity All Workshop - 11/22/24