Each year, the MLK Celebration brings in guest speakers that reflect on Dr. King's life and how we can continue his legacy.
52nd Annual MLK Celebration | January 24, 2024
Julianne Malveaux
51st Annual MLK Celebration | January 26, 2023
Laura Coates
50th Annual MLK Celebration | January 25, 2022
Van Jones
49th Annual MLK Celebration | January 26, 2021
Ben Crump
48th Annual MLK Celebration | January 21, 2020
Canceled due to COVID19
47th Annual MLK Celebration | February 20, 2019
Michael Eric Dyson
46th Annual MLK Celebration | January 29, 2018
Nikki Giovanni
45th Annual MLK Celebration | January 31, 2017
Dr. Angela Davis
44th Annual MLK Celebration | February 24, 2016
Dr. C.T. Vivian
43rd Annual MLK Celebration | January 14, 2015
Rev. Al Sharpton
42nd Annual MLK Celebration | January 16, 2014
Donna Brazile
41st Annual MLK Celebration | January 15, 2013
Danny Glover