Implement/Upgrade Process
Implement/Upgrade Process
The Ohio State University’s Digital Accessibility Policy contains a requirement to ensure the proper evaluation of digital applications/software based on their risk level.
Each unit will use an Implement/Upgrade process to ensure their unit performs accessibility assessments (and/or evaluations) before implementing new or upgrading existing digital products/software. This requirement includes significant upgrades or changes in functionality.
The required steps for any purchased or upgraded software depend on its risk level (see “Implement Upgrade Process Deliverable” document below). For example, if you wanted to purchase or use a program that would allow the public, students, faculty, and staff to register for events and conferences, that program would need to be evaluated for digital accessibility before it was purchased/used and would have an A4 or critical risk level. Another example would be a free program online that helps you to promote that event.
Digital applications provided by or through the university will not need to be reviewed through this process.
In case you are considering buying and/or using a software program other than one provided by the university, please contact Kim Kovarik, as it will have to be tested for accessibility first.